Birth Story 10/7


Warning: this is SUPER long. I loved reading birth stories leading up to my deliveries, so I thought I would share mine. 🤪

Hudson’s Birth Story

Hudson is my 3rd baby. My babies like my uterus- like really like it. My previous babies likes it so much they hung out in there until 41weeks! I was due on October 12th, but had been telling everyone I would probably deliver on the 19th. I had an OB appointment on October 5th and when he checked my cervix I was 4/75/-2. My OB offered an induction and I declined. I am a labor and delivery nurse and work with my OB, so he knew I would decline it but he was going out of town that weekend and really didn’t want it miss my delivery. 😂

Starting that evening of October 5th I started to have mild irregular contractions. I continued to have these mild contractions throughout the evening and all throughout the day on October 6th. I work as a labor and delivery nurse, so I knew they weren’t the real deal and I just dealt with them as they came, I was off of work so I was able to keep myself pretty occupied by running errands and taking care of some stuff around my house.

On October 7th I had to work, so I woke up at 4:30am and got ready and left for work like any other day. I still was contracting, but again nothing too serious so I figured I would just work through it. That morning I actually ran into my OB at work (again, I am a L&D nurse) and did a delivery with him. He knew I had been contracting and we joked that I would see him later that day when I was ready to deliver. We both laughed and I went about my day working. Around 2:30PM I noticed that the contractions I was having were getting closer and were becoming more annoying. I went to check my labor patient and when I did I had a contraction that made me super nauseous and took my breathe away. I knew something was different at that point, and so did my co workers. I was more quiet (which is never me) and I was rocking my hips back and forth when I would get them. So, finally one of my fellow nurses said she was going to check me because she thought I was in labor. I swore I was fine, but after some convincing I said she could check just so they would leave me alone. When she checked me I was 6cm and had a tight bag of water. She said I needed to just be admitted- still swearing I could finish my shift I tried to say no. She called my OB and he told her to make me clock out and put me in a labor room.

At around 2:45pm I called my Hubby and let him know they made me clock out of work and it was baby day!

I didn’t want an epidural, so my OB let me do my own thing. After he was finished in the office he came to check on me, it was around 5pm. I was only 6.5, still contracting every 2-4mins. So, he broke my water and said he would cover me through the evening (he wasn’t on call, but I was sooo happy he was able to do my delivery!). After my water broke, my contractions became stronger, but irregular. At about 7pm I was only 7cm and I just knew my stubborn boy was not in the best position so I got to work changing positions to help him move. I did a lot of hands/knees, squatting and hip rocking. At around 8pm I felt like I needed to pee- but, when I sat down I couldn’t. I sat through a few contractions and when I got up I knew something was different. The next contraction was my strongest one yet and the first one that caused me to moan. I got back in the bed and leaned over the back of it, breathing and hip rocking through the next few contractions. I called out to my nurses and let them know something was different. They came and checked me and I was 7-8cm, but baby was LOW. They called my OB and let him know and he said he would call at 9:30 to get another update. I got in the shower and My body said no way and by 8:30pm they were calling him to come to the hospital or he was going to miss the delivery (he lives 45mins away). At that point I was 8-9cm and contracting every 2 minutes with SOOO much pressure. My body started to involuntarily push around 9:30 and at around 9:45 my OB got to the hospital and I started to push at 9:50pm. I still had a little lip of cervix, so I pushed until that went away and as soon as it did our perfect boy came down the birth canal and was delivered with the next contraction at 10:12pm.

Oh, and I beat my labor patient and delivered before her. I did see her on postpartum and we got a good laugh out of it.

Hudson Dean

9lb 8oz

20 1/2 in

This was my first delivery without an epidural and by far my easiest recovery. 💙