Vent session; thickened NT


Hi everyone! At my 12w 6 day ultrasound they did the NT measurement. I didn’t have this with my first so this was new to me! They brought the doc in and mentioned that it was thicker (3.08) when it needs to be 3 or less.

They went over options and we went with the Maternity 21 test. I figured with that testing we could go from there since the test results for the NT were border line (they uploaded them as ‘normal’ in my portal!)

Everything came back negative. Even with that they do an in depth anatomy scan and a heart ultrasound.

Everything looked great at the anatomy scan, and today I had the additional ultrasound to look at the babies heart. Again, everything looked normal. The doctor came in to review that, and brought up amniocentesis and how I declined it.

What has everyone else’s experience been with this? I understand that with the blood work it doesn’t see all genetic abnormalities (I was reminded of that today!) I’m NOT against people deciding to do the amino test, and if we had additional findings that would have been the route we went. I’m getting annoyed of being reminded of this every appointment, considering the additional testing we have had.

Vent session over lol