The Debate on Modern Day Gender Roles


Recently on social media, I’ve been seeing a lot of debates on the topic of gender roles in society and relationships. From my understanding, many men feel like women “want traditional men but don’t act like traditional women.” Their definition of a traditional man is someone who provides for his woman and family and takes care of majority of financial affairs in a household. While their idea of a “traditional woman” is someone who’s dependent on the man meaning she’s submissive to his needs since he’s the main income provider, which usually means taking care of him and the household affairs (cooking, cleaning, taking care of children, etc.)

They argue that modern day women are too independent to want traditional men (ie pop culture and music with pro-women lyrics, platforms like onlyfans where women are in control of their sexualities and profits, an increase in womens rights organizations in the past few years, etc)

I was on Twitter and I saw this conversation that this girl had with some guy on Tinder: he

Obviously this guy is unhinged and probably needs some form of therapy. But what are your opinions on what he said? And honestly, what are YOUR views on modern day gender roles as a whole? The reality is lots of men have this mindset, and it’s definitely playing a huge part in how men view women. Are women asking for too much but not giving enough? Or do men have too many expectations and expect a lot for doing the bare minimum?