First period after MC & D&C

Aubrey • 💙 Hunter’s mommy 💙

Hi guys,

2 weeks ago at my fetal anatomy scan (19 weeks prego) we discovered that our baby girl had passed, the doctors guessed that she had passed about 2 weeks prior (17 weeks ish). I had to deliver her on October 15th and had a D&C later the same day due to hemorrhaging and retained placenta. I only bled for a few days after that and then it stopped. My husband and I resumed sexual activity about a week ago but hadn’t done anything for several days then yesterday out of nowhere I randomly felt a gush and started bleeding again. I had period like cramps and now today it’s slowly tapering off and is super light. Could this have been my first period? I called the doctor and they said that they think it’s my period since it’s been about 4 weeks since she passed and all of the hcg has been out of my system since I left the hospital. Just looking to see if anyone else has had a similar experience!

Sorry if this seems jumbled up, it’s hard for me to talk or even type about the loss of our daughter.