My ex’s girlfriend is crazy!

Kristen Tamara • Asher Forrest. 🌈 ✨ ♥️

We live in a very small town. I’m born and raised here, where my ex moved here from the city about 8 years ago.

I was 19, and he was 30 when we started dating and the relationship lasted almost 3 years.

He cheated on me the first few months in, I stayed but was never able to trust him after that. You may ask, why did I stay? I have no idea.

The last year of it I knew I didn’t want to be in it and knew I was done. I stayed faithful and tried to make it work but the relationship was so far gone and was so toxic. I knew I couldn’t do it the rest of my life. It was abusive, it was a one way street deal (on his behalf), it was demeaning, it wasn’t healthy. I was out.

It lasted almost 3 years.

Fast forward almost 4 years after it ended and I am now incredibly happy and engaged to the man I believe in as meant to be mine. Our relationship is incredible. We’ve been together over a year and still in the honeymoon stage. We’ve had our fights less then a handful of times and that’s fine. We’ve made up, forgiven and moved on from it. He’s great to me and I just try to return the favour. I wouldn’t want to spend my life with anybody else. He’s my man and he is my rock. I love him to death.

Despite my happiness and being away from my ex for over 3 years….

Now there’s his current girlfriend…

I think they’ve been together for almost a year and she is nuts. I’ve been long gone and over my ex since the second I walked out the door almost FOUR YEARS AGO. Haven’t looked back, let alone spoke to him since.

During this past year; she has confronted my fiancé 3 times trying to tell him how “crazy” I am and that I can’t be trusted.

She saw me at the beer store a few months back and SCREAMED at me for 45mins because she has a problem with me being his ex. why I let it go on so long, I have no idea. I just wasn’t giving into her shit.

I don’t know her from Adam but all I have heard about her from people has not been good. Apparently she seeks attention, is “Bat shit crazy” and “needs to make sure she has an audience so she can be heard when giving people shit”.

She has threatened to “knock my lights out” if she has any more reason to have a problem with me.

And THEN she comes into my work ready to KILL because I was one of everybody else there who served somebody she had hired to purchase things on her business account. She said infront of everybody in the midst of freaking out, “it was a huge problem because I was involved and I’m a big problem of hers”.

This is at a lumber yard for shit sakes. She’s accused me of STALKING her bf (my ex) because I got a job a year and a half ago -before they were together- at the “same lumber store he shops at”. This is an insanely small town and they asked me twice to work there and were paying well so I accepted. Not once thinking about my ex.

A side note. Her father owned their glass business but bailed and left everything to her just recently to live out west because (his exact words) “I can’t even stand my own daughter”.

She walks around this town like her shit don’t stink and flips me off every time we drive by each other.

I’m so sick of it and so done with it. My man doesn’t deserve to be involved in all this drama and frankly, I don’t think I do either. I haven’t spoke to my ex in 4 years and I am way happier where I’m at without him.