2 positives, negative, faint positive??


So I need some help trying to figure out what’s going on. A little background.. on 10/13 my bf and I had unprotected sex. I took a plan b the next morning 10/14 but I was ovulating that day as well. On 10/26 (two days before my period) I was feeling super nauseas so I decided to take a pregnancy test that afternoon and it was clearly positive. I took another before bed and it was also positive. The next day around 3 I took another test to make sure and it was negative and thought maybe I’m having a chemical due to the plan b. Well I decided to take one more test this morning (day of period) with my fmu to see if it was still negative but it was a faint positive. I am just trying to figure out what is going on here and if anyone has experienced this.

Also, an hour after my faint positive this morning I started spotting very faint pink ewcm. I have bled through my entire last pregnancy and this is how it started as well but not sure if it’s the start of a miscarriage or what since it’s a little late for implantation bleeding. Any insight on what is going on would be great!

I attached pictures below