Should my son be in the labor and delivery room for the birth of his child (plz read before commenting

This situation is all my fault. I should have read the signs and knew something was wrong. My son is 16. My ex best friend is 42 and was sexually abusing my son since he was 11. I feel like he tried to tell me because he would say he didn't like me friend and didn't want to be around her and I took it as him being rude. She wouldn't just force sexual acts, she would put things in him. And he wasn't the only one. She was doing the same to two other girls. One of the girls she sexually abused BRUTALLY and she died. She was 6. My friend is serving a life sentence. She is also pregnant with my son's baby. I asked my son does he want this baby because he can sign the rights away and we can put them up for adoption. He said he needed time to think and he decided he wanted to after a few months. So here's the deal. Our state prison oes take pregnant inmates to the hospital if they make it. From what I was told if my son chooses he can be in the delivery room. If he is there the second the baby comes out my friend will not get to hold it. The baby is going straight to my son to hold. If he's not in there again she will not get to hold it and the baby will go to the nursery. She will not be on the birth certificate. Do you think he should be in there or no?