Would it bother you if your child's grandparent acted like this

My oldest kiddo is almost 3. Shes spent the night with my parents several times, but never my husband's parents. It's just not worked out that she could. Well I called his mom tonight to ask if she wanted her to spend the night this weekend. MIL's first reaction was to ask if I thought she (my MIL) was going to get any rest keeping her over night. I said I'm not sure why you wouldn't, but if it's not a good weekend we can pick another time. Then, she asked me if I had asked my daughter yet. I said no, because I don't like to bring things up to her until it's a sure thing. Then she agreed to do it and sounded excited and asked about her routine.

So then later in the convo she brings up my brother in law's daughter. She's been watching her this week as my SIL just returned to work from MAT leave. She complained about being bored. My niece is 6 months old. I really don't know how you have time to be bored with a 6 month old.

I just think it's odd behavior. But maybe it's just because my parents are just like head over heels over my kiddos. My MIL just seems out of touch some times.

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