Husband's mom commented on his weight

It's has been a hard few years with my husband. I've had 2 kids in the last 4 years and my husband was struggling mentally. He has been going through an eating disorder that past 6 years. He went through chemo and after his cancer was gone he gained a bunch of weight after losing a bunch and everyone was commenting on it. It was good at at first... Then got bad.. They started saying he was gaining too much weight. He had gotten husky but not bad. So he started going to the gym and would be there 8 hours a day. After I had our first baby I told him I needed him here to help me. So he would go to the guy for 4 hours instead, wouldn't really eat and started abusing laxatives. It was so bad. He was losing weight at a horrible rate. The I got pregnant again and couldn't even enjoy my pregnancy because I was so worried about him. He was so weak he couldn't work out anymore and became skin and bones. I had our 2nd baby and I was watching my husband die in front of me. I was begging him to get help and starting crying saying "I NEED YOU ALIVE, YOUR SONS NEED YOU ALIVE!!!" That's when he decided to go to a facility for a full year to get help. Now he is healthy and even smiles more. It's still a struggle and he slips sometimes but he's healthy and happy. Today we were over his mom's house and she asked was he planning on working out again and he said he's not really focused on weight rn and she told him he should because he's getting fat. He was quiet. She kept bringing it up all night and the last thing she said was "I think you were really handsome is 2020". He was on the verge of DEATH in 2020! I could tell my husband was super hurt.

Edit: I wanna add that the reason I didn't go off was because our kids were there but I did call and let her know she's fucked up and other choice words. Idk what her deal is. Anytime any of her kids are doing good she wants to ruin it. His sister had celebrated a year sober and his mom said she was more fun on drugs. Now she's back on meth..