I’m st a loss

My bf is really sick so I’ve been taking care of him and our kids and doing EVERYTHING for everyone and keeping the house spotless and everything done and like I’ve been keeping things afloat for months now basically just me because he’s a nurse and works a lot so I’ve been at my breaking point of pure exhaustion. So tonight while he was sleeping I took his phone, keep in mind we have been together for 4 years. We play a game together on the phones and earlier he made a comment how he wants to be on my level and asked sometime to help him get there. So my phone died and I decided well he normally doesn’t care if I use his phone at all so I plugged mine in and I went and used his and was playing the game trying to get him caught up and I kept dying so I put it down and went and got mine and started using my phone again. He comes out and asked where his phone was, it was next to me so I handed it to him and he asked what I was doing on it, why did I take it like was asking a million questions which is odd. I told him the truth of what I was doing. I was in a good mood and he started saying I was lying and basically accusing me of Im gonna assume snooping? He kept saying don’t talk to me till your gonna be honest and would walk away and ignore me. So I got really really upset I’ve never once lied to this man, I’m a very honest upfront person and he knows that I have no reason to lie? So we got into a big fight and He called me a cunt, which set me off because I was in a very very physical and mental abusive relationship before and my ex used to degrade me and call me names so that set me off and I started yelling and he started recording me saying I’m physco and how he’s gonna post it and show everyone how it’s not normal how I’m acting and how I’m crazy. Then he turns off the recording and says you can get the fuck out and take the kids ( they are his step kids ) and said he was gonna call my own mother! My mom lives 45 minutes away from us. It’s 1am! Like so I just shut down and he started going on manipulating me making me feel insane fhat this is all my fault csuse I’m lying and how he did nothing wrong.

I’m literally shocked. I have no idea what to do. I want to just leave. I’m scared. I feel the trauma of my last relationship.