When is enough, enough????

I'll preface by saying in love my husband dearly and in no other way does he fail our marriage...but I'm at my witts end when it comes to cleaning.... it's the classic case of feeling like I have a damn child because of him and we dont even have actual kids!

I have complained and complained and complained about him not doing things like sweeping and mopping, scrubbing the shower, cleaning the bathroom sink, etc... the stuff that can usually go a little while before it needs a deep clean, but definitely needs it.

Everytime I snap and blow up on him about it, it's always "well you dont do this *insert something I havent done in a while*"...and then I'll make a point to try to do it more. I make an effort to change. The other day he asked me to put together his disk golf basket, and I said I'd only do it if he sweeps and mops this weekend. he hesitated but said ok. but then when I told him not to half-ass it, he basically laughed at me And said all he knows how to do is half ass it. Which leaves me feeling raged but also wondering if I'm just a cleaning nazi. I feel gaslighted. like I'm demanding too much or something. I made a very strong point to him about him doing the floors, doing a GOOD JOB on the floors.and hes not done it yet and supposed to leave today to go to a halloween party....I dont think hes going to do it and I'm DONE being a fucking "mom" and reminding him to do this shit.

The problem is I feel like I have to take the mental responsibility to actually tell somebody, a grown man, to clean something that very clearly needs to be cleaned. I'm TIRED of telling him when something needs to be done and feeling like I'm the bad guy for complaining. Because then I'm the nagging wife who wont cut him some slack.

And before one of you even try to tell me that it's a womans job to clean the house, you can go ahead and gtfo here because I work 12 hours and I make the primary income. I've NEVER used that against him. We share household chores. He does do dishes and laundry and feeds the cats, does the litter box and straightens up the house. I do all that stuff too when I have my days off...But I dont think hes ever even touched the shower. Neverrrrrrr mops the floors. Doesnt wipe down the dining chairs (they get especially dirty because we have to store trash can by it. )....

I'm at a loss....I love him but somethings gotta change before I lose my fucking mind on him and then I'm the bad guy again for blowing up. I have talked about it, I've set an example by keeping the house tidy on my days off and cleaning up after myself as I go....but I've been back to work for just two days this week so far and the sink is already piling up....anyone else????