2 babies to love!! Congrats mamas


Let's exchange gifts and make a mamas day!!

We have a 9 month old, I'm 14 weeks pregnant & Out of left field we were asked to take in my NB niece in, that I didn't know existed until last night!!

We didn't think we were going to be having any more babies (got pregnant on paraguard IUD!!)

so I donated all my son's things to the women & children at our DV shelter. (In honor of my sister whose a DV survivor)

Back story without giving out too much of her personal life, my (estranged) little sister has been absent from our lives for nearly 3 years. She's been in and out of rehabs numerous times.

She is a survivor of domestic violence and she has co occuring mental health issues and struggles with addiction.


Last night we got a call from A CPS social worker.

She explained to us that my sister just gave birth, to a baby girl. Yeah my jaw hit the ground.

My sister was told that the baby would go into care. Because baby was born dependent on drugs.

My sister left (snuck out) the post partum unit just 10 hours after birth.

She left a note on the bed side table that read : please contact my older sister to take the baby. THATS IT!

What I know:

baby girl appeared to be late full term

ZERO prenatal care.

Baby tested positive for 3 drugs.

She did not name the baby

nor hold the baby.

ALL GIFTS ARE A HUGE BLESSING!! & Sending my most sincere gratitude.

Gifting back and blessing others as well. That's the best part!! This is going to be a wild ride.

EDIT TO ADD: baby girl had to go on morphine therapy. She's struggling to eat and now has a feeding tube. She's losing too much weight so they added high cal formula. She's very inconsolable. Sleeps only 45 min and up crying again. Horrible tremors. Severe diarrhea that is causing such a bad rash her little butt is bleeding. She's just pooping that often. Nearly every 30 min or less.

I really thought we were almost ready to come home. Dr said many babies don't show signs of withdrawal until day 4 and some even later.
