I’m one of 3 baby mothers

So I am number 3 and the other two never liked me from the very beginning. I’ve tried reaching out thanking them for allowing their kids to visit us because we live in another state and nothing. They don’t speak when they see me or anything. For the sake of the children I try to be cordial but at this point to hell with them. I guess their mad because when I started dating him he lived in their state and we were long distance then he moved with me 3 years later. So they feel like he left his boys to chase after a woman but in all reality where he lived wasn’t safe and he needed a fresh start. He never stopped doing for them but yet they make it difficult for him to get his sons for certain occasions. It’s a big mess. They each have 1 kid by him and I have 2. I just want is all to co parent and get along

**Its not safe for the kids but the mothers don’t care about the environment they live in. They don’t want to move to a better city. My significant other offered to keep the boys or tried to convince them to move to a different city in the same state. He’s been financially there for them and his family helps a great deal. They just content with living in the slums. I can speak on the state because I’m from there too but moved the hell out of there for a better life

*Responding to comments; He didn’t just up and leave the state. He told them he was planning to move a year prior. He stayed there for 3 years and we visited each other. I could understand them being upset initially but it’s been 6 years and he gets his kids for the holidays and all summer. So why are their mothers still mad? You know what’s so funny one of them said their son could move down with him but he had to live on his own and not with me and we were engaged. That’s absolutely ridiculous. Honestly they are petty at this point. He’s still very much active and now he has children with me. If he decided to move back I wouldn’t be mad he will just have to endure he gets our children too. Nobody is entitled to stay anywhere once you break up and start a new family.