I need advice ectopic??


Hi all I have 4 beautiful kids never had a ectopic before. I just found out I’m pregnant so I’m about 4 weeks 1 day I wasn’t trying I was actually on the pill and the iud a month prior. My ob got me in for an ultrasound and did my hcg just once which was yesterday she said I have a mass on or by my right ovary I’m known to have cysts . But no gestational sac found which I wouldn’t expect to see this early. My hcg was 119 . The very next day she called me back and said she thinks it’s ectopic and tried giving me the shot . I haven’t gotten y 48 hr beta yet again either she said it wasn’t necessary. I have been super nauseous and having a awful headache which could all be pregnancy related. I guess I just want to know others stories and symptoms with ectopics and possibly hcgs . I am more nauseous with this pregnancy than all 4 of my other kids I also never had awful headaches like this so early either . I’m very tired too . No bleeding or cramping I do have a dull pain kind of like when I have a cyst on my right side but it isn’t like extreme. What’s your stories????