She is here! Positive planned c-section birth.


Our baby is here! We had a scheduled c-section for October 27th. We arrived at the hospital at our scheduled time for 6:30am and they took us back for our section slightly early and baby was born at 8:30am exactly. It was a very positive birthing experience. The nurses and doctors followed our birthing plan and we were in a relaxed atmosphere. They did delayed cord clamping, skin to skin in OR, and we welcomed our baby girl to Amazing by Aerosmith. It was a wonderful day. The anesthesiologists did a great job explaining everything and completed a very successful spinal that took 3 hours to wear off! It didn’t hurt at all going in. They kept me completely comfortable during the whole procedure and it was amazing to hear our baby cry and have her in our arms within minutes of being born. Recovery is ongoing. This time I have had a lot of stomach pain from swelling and some baby blues from anxiety while in the hospital. While being home my husband has been the utmost support and he has been there for all of us. Overall I would say one more week and I should feel more normal. We saved the best birth experience for last and I couldn’t have asked for better. 💓 welcome earth side Aleah Renée, born 10/27/21, 8:30am, 6lbs15oz, 19.5”long.