Married to a gamer/tv junkie

So, maybe I’m overreacting, but me and my husband have been married for 4 years and together 6 years. When we first got together, everything was great. He wasn’t a huge gamer, and when I came over or I was over, he would put his game away and hang out with me. Now, it’s like he goes to work, comes home and IMMEDIATELY gets on the game. He usually gets home around 4:30-5 and doesn’t go to bed until 11 usually. We have 3 little kids, and him and I both work. I cook, I clean, and I take care of the kids every day. Granted, I work 30 hours a week opposed to his 40-45 hours a week.

Anyway, so, he comes home, and immediately gets on the game. Then when he’s tired of playing, he’ll turn on a tv show and watch that until he goes to sleep. I try to strike up conversation with him, and he doesn’t listen. I try to do anything I can to get his attention and nothing works anymore. It’s starting to make me feel like me and our children are not top priority to him. I tried to bring it up to him and he’s just completely GLUED to the tv and just doesn’t listen at all. It’s very frustrating. I had to text him how I felt and communication is never good through text, but I felt that was the only way to actually start a conversation about it. I just don’t know how much more I can take. I hate putting my all into this marriage and not getting it in return. I need SOMETHING. I’m not asking for attention all the time, but I feel like I don’t know my own husband anymore. Any advice?