Foley Balloon & Cervadil Successful Induction


My Kingston Joel Owens. 6lbs 4oz born at 38w + 2 via induction. 6 AM checking in for induction, was 1.5 cm dilated. Foley balloon AND cervadil inserted at 8:30 AM. Contractions were slightly worse than a period. Both foley balloon and cervadil removed at 8:30 PM, at this point was a loose 3.5 cm then started on Pitocin. Pitocin from 8:30 PM to 3:30 AM then they broke my waters. Contractions at this point were awful so I opted for pain medication via IV and got my Epidural at around 8 AM the next day. Went from 6cm to a full 10 after epidural in ONE hour then pushed out baby boy for a full two hours. FTM here and it was all worth it for my little man.