Hcg level at 5ml

Dae • Mother of 3 beautiful children Bussiness owner

Hello ladies ,

I had a miscarriage at 10 weeks and 6 days. My levels on October 7th were 15,138 as of November 4th my level were at 5ml I test the 4th and 5th I still got positive pregnancy test. Not sure if it’s the hormones still in my body of a beginning of a new or.

I had unprotected sex 2/3 times in October the 12th or the 13th, for sure 18th and 24th. I feel like it to early for me to know. I just ovulated october 29th to November 2nd. I did feel a lot of cramping or pain in my pelvic around this time. I am experiencing discharge as if I were pregnant again. My nipples are back sore. I am starting to catch a cold ( happen to me every pregnancy). Has anyone experienced this ?