Maternity leave


I am struggling to figure out a way to sort this maternity leave of mine out.

I am currently 27+3 and baby is due the 2nd of Feb.

I am entitled to 26 weeks of maternity leave, but have to provide a 13 week work after that for the employee so they don't take the money back.

I work in a school and as far as I know, the summer holidays won't count towards the maternity leave.

However I intend to go uni full time next year to finish my studies ASAP and get a better paying job.

Uni starts halfway through October... But I don't think I'd like to leave baby after 3 months of giving birth so I can fulfill requirements.

Is there a way to deduct hours after returning to maybe 1 day a week or would work not allow that as I get maternity rate based on my hours? Is there a better way?

TL. DR.: I would like to make the most of maternity leave and somehow satisfy work commitments at the same time.

Thanks ladies hope you're all keeping well and safe