First appt.


So I call to make first appointment this morning. I had a miscarriage 10/5 (spotting 10/4, bleeding heavy 10/5-10/6, light bleeding 10/7 light spotting 10/8 then done). I passed everything at once on 10/5. Was cleared by dr 10/8 at follow up appointment. He said keep trying no reason to wait. Ovulation 10/18-10/19. First positive test 10/28.

Byway I’m explaining this to lady on phone and she says she needs to speak to nurse and comes back on phone to say we are putting you in as a pregnancy problem can you come in tomorrow for dating. I was not anxious before that phone call…….. last miscarriage was number 3 of now 6 pregnancy. I have a 10 and 5 year old.

Should I be worried at all or am I overthinking this?