25 Weeks and Water has broken 😞


So yesterday was normal like any other day, until the evening and I kept feeling wet down there. I know more discharge is expected in pregnancy so I just brushed it off as that. Well, a few minutes passed and I noticed the more I walked, the more wet my leggings were. To the point it started dripping in the floor when I pulled my leggings down.

I immediately yelled for my husband and we rushed to the ER. That’s when they done the ruptured fetal membrane swab and it came back positive right away. I get flown out by a helicopter that night to a hospital with a higher level NICU since I’m just 25 weeks.

Now, we’re here in the hospital until baby boy decides to come. He tried making his appearance earlier today and I was dilated 3cm but thankfully the magnesium stopped the contractions. Hopefully he will hang out in there at least another week or two. So far I have gotten two steroid shots for his lungs and they said that was a big step forward for him, especially if he were to come in the next week ❤️

Just wanted to give an update as to what was going on this way, and if anyone else has any similar stories,

Please message me or comment your outcomes and experiences. It would help me a lot knowing I’m not alone and that other women have or are going the same thing.