Baby doesn’t sleep 😩

I’m dying over here 😩 my baby wakes up like every two house lately and cries until he gets breast milk. We bed share and he uses it for comfort and I can’t sleep while he’s eating because of how uncomfortable I am. Last night was so bad because I’m trying to stop the night nursing’s. I will nurse him to go to sleep but the whole night thing is literally killing me. I had a whole mental breakdown yesterday and I’m just so overly tired 😴 i don’t know what to do. He was only waking up once or twice and now it’s like 5 or more times. I thought he would be sleeping through the night by now since he’s 16 months old 😭 I have no idea what to do but me and my husband are so exhausted and my husband has to get up at 6:30 everyday and I feel bad because he’s so tired but he never complains, but he’s up just as much as I am trying to get him to go back to sleep. Anyone else’s baby do this? Or not sleep through the night?