Could I be further along? Just worried


Last month I had vvvfl and then I kissed my period by 4 days. When it started it never actually turned into a period. I spotted brown, dark red, black for 5 days. On the second day of spotting I had passed 2 episodes of stringy clots and at the end of the day it was one nickel sized clot that was really bright red. I had taken more test and they looked negative. And called my doctor and they did a test and it was negative. I thought to myself probably a chemical but I never actually bled bled like a normal period and it worried me like isn't my body suppose expell from the month before? Anyways I was sad but stopped stressing and was going to wait till this time around to see if my period became normal but I have positive test. Dye stealers! Positive digitals, I have a appt for the 24th and when I made the appt I told them about last month but she said we will treat it as a new pregnancy. Which is fine, cause only time will tell anyways. I just Google so much and I'm scared that since I never had a normal period that maybe something was left and it's tricking my body into thinking it's still pregnant??