Hypermesis gravidarum throwing up bile/blood



I have hypermesis gravidarum so I haven’t gained much weight and I’m 27 weeks. It’s so not a compliment to me when ppl say I’m carrying well bc they have no clue what I go thru. I have meds that help but taking prenatal make it worse and recently the antibiotics I was prescribed make it worse as well. I told my dr that I was vomiting more again and bc of that I’ll vomit bile and little spots of blood. I don’t want to unnecessarily go to the emergency room. They just told me keep taking the meds try to stay hydrated and eat ginger candy, ginger ale and crackers. It’s taking away from my ability to be productive at work and I cried during my shift which made me have a headache that has just now dissipated. I would post a pic of it just to be sure it’s normal but I suppose I’ll just focus on staying hydrated today, it’s really hard bc I don’t have much support (I have friends) but that day to day right there to help when I can hardly walk help. Not really. I got some flint stones today hoping those agree with me but boy am I trying. Plus IVs give me anxiety which I know if I go that’s all they will do most likely. I’m sure baby is fine he been rolling around like it’s nothing. And he is growing on schedule but I’m still below my prepregnancy weight so everything ive gained back is all baby. Also my ketones were a little high from my labs probably bc I vomit so much. Guess I just needed to get this off my chest bc it’s depressing me and I don’t really have anyone to talk to who can relate or help etc. All they can say is hope u feel better. Etc. Oh well. Such is life. Make my bed and gotta lay in it. Just want to stop getting sick.