2 week wait breakup


Me and my boyfriend have been having issues that we decided to work through together, we lost a baby at 16 weeks in September and haven’t been using any bc after it as a family was something that we wanted to have together.

Obviously we have had small fights while working things out and I felt we were making really good headway and from what he was saying along the way so did he but yesterday he suddenly admitted to being fed up and now not wanting to be together.

While I respect this decision of his, I’m now in the 2 week wait, we were having sex everyday around my fertile window. I did confirm with an opk. Has this happened to anyone else? What did you do and how did it feel when you were/weren’t pregnant.

Also just wanted to add that a girl he was sneaking around behind my back with, added him on social media, the day he accepted was the day we broke up. 🤦🏽‍♀️