Third trimester


Don’t know where I can post this but anything helps. I moved across the country and don’t have any friends or family here besides my husband and son. We are expecting our first daughter together. So far I got the crib but it’s on a payment plan thank god lol. We recently moved into a bigger place and are trying to make ends meet. My family and friends back where I moved from don’t even talk to me anymore or ask about me. It’s kinda sad. But slowly I’m trying to build my life here with my family and get my daughters things little by little. I haven’t had a baby since 7yrs ago when I was 20. I’m scared and so nervous and don’t know what to expect and doing it without our family by our sides makes me have anxiety. I know I’m an adult but still freaks me out. Will I be a great mom? Will I be able to afford and provide everything needed on our own? Will we struggle? Will I have PPD? Ugh I pray to God I do not and always ask him to help us and take care of this family. I know I still have time til my baby girl is here but I’d appreciate anything or any advice from yall. I know I will be going to a baby store in my area that has used things that I can buy for cheap too. I’m just so anxious. Cause babygirl can come anytime on a serious matter and I wanna be ready for her. Sorry 😩😭💕