Night owl..

My little man is 4.5 months old and will want to take a nap around like 7pm (sometimes 6 or 8) but only a nap.. he wont stay asleep for bedtime then. Then he’s up until like 10-10:30 chatty and wanting to play 🤦🏼‍♀️ he wakes up throughout the night and then finally gets into a good sleep early in the morning (when I then have to get up 🙄😂) and sleeps til 8:30-9. Sometimes I’ll even have to wake him to take my daughter to preschool. How do I get him on a better schedule? Throughout the day he’s awake for like two hours before napping and most naps are short (30-45 minutes) sometimes he’ll do one that’s an hour and a half or so. He’s so inconsistent with everything. In the morning when he wakes up from that long stretch, he’s usually happy and hangs out and it’ll be 6-7 hours in between feedings… how do I get that at the beginning of the night instead?! Usually when he wakes up at night, he’ll fall right back asleep on me.. I think he deals with reflux, but the doctor gave me Pepcid and he just seems to be so uncomfortable and constipated on it, so we don’t use it. I even tried feeding him oatmeal a little before bed. Any ideas? 🤔