

Long post ☺️

I have mixed feelings about my 16 month old development. He has had issues with glue ear, which have now recently been addressed in the past month, I am getting a follow up appointment soon. So as a result of that I believe it has impacted his speech, language and communication abilities or otherwise maybe early signs of autism.

My concerns are he doesn’t wave( recently started trying to teach him as I didn’t know this was a milestone) or point, sometimes claps when his father and I begin or will clap when he is getting changed, he will reach to things he wants. Flips cars - Likes to spin wheels but only a few time’s and moves on He has no words however will make sounds more often now. He laughs when I say Mama or dada but doesn’t try repeat it?

He will answer his name **sometimes**, however I am not sure if he is now only learning his name after such a long period of not knowing his name or being able to hear it clearly(I call him 10 other names too like honey, baby etc). He more so answers to his name when called from another room rather than face to face.

He has amazing eye contact, will stare into my eyes and smile, follows objects, plays games like peek a boo, has a great sense of anticipation of sounds and when his dad is about to tickle him, he will run up to me with open arms and a big smile, understand some direction like “come here” “sit down” “follow mummy” etc . Eats and sleeps well 95% of the time.

On the social side he acknowledges children and will stand close and observe or sit next to them however he won’t engage in play.

He walks on tippy toes but then will switch back to walking on flats (started on toes). It’s about 60/40 now depending on surface, shoes etc.

am I putting to much pressure on him

or should I be concerned?
