Forehead acne out of nowhere, help?!


Editing to add, after doom scrolling about forehead acne, that I think it’s probably fungal acne from using the topical antibiotic long term (ugh, would’ve been nice to get a warning about this from my dermatologist when she prescribed it). I have a couple things to try based on what I’ve read and am super hopeful they will help!

I’ve had acne since puberty, but I was on the pill for a really long time and that at least kept things manageable. Now I am 38 and have a three year old and have been off birth control for almost 4 years. Suddenly my forehead and around my eyebrows are covered in bumps/tiny pimples. I initially thought new brow makeup had triggered a breakout when it first started, but I stopped using it and in the months since the bumps have steadily gotten worse. I use a topical antibiotic from the dermatologist and azelaic acid every night and wash my face with vanicream face wash morning and night. We’re sort of trying for a second baby so I don’t know if there’s much else I can try but it is really starting to bum me out. I’m also so confused about what is suddenly causing this issue because I haven’t had breakouts on my forehead since I was like 12. And my skin is so freaking oily. Can anyone suggest anything in terms of cause or effective treatment?? Helppppppp