Feeling like the world is on my shoulders


I've got a beautiful 14 week old son, he's great- developing well and always keepig me and my husband on our toes. Lately it seems that everything is getting to me. I'm still on maternity leave until early December 2021- I've got great support from my husband and family. However I feel that every time my son crys or whinges my husband gets frustrated with him, I mean I do it at times but still he's a baby. So last weekend our son was crying not stop and anything I do wouldn't stop it unless I was holding him. He wasn't eating as much as he normally would so thought since hubby is going to the doctor for a check up we'll all good. That wasn't a great idea as my son woke my husband up from his crying and he was shitty at me for not calming hom down. So bub was fine (just need to 💩 lol).I do my usually weekend stuff - laundry, cleaning and cooking while Hubby is looking after little one. Bub goes for a nap and walk over to our bed room and just cry. Hubby doesn't notice or anything. I ask him later that night" am I a good mum?" He like I don't know. We didn't really plan having bub so I don't know. He goes on and says well we weren't preventing the pregnancy and you were stressing about getting pregnant. I didn't know what to say to that. Still feel odd and hard on myself for not loosing the pregnancy weight yet. I'm not sure how me going back to work is going be like. Sorry really needed to vent.