On a break…not sure what to do (long but i really need advice)


So my boyfriend (23) and I (23) of 5 years had been having a lot of issues since the pandemic started because we both live at home. We had little to no privacy so it was difficult to be intimate. Then we were both getting frustrated with each other’s household. So we were having a hard time hanging out or going places because there’s not much to do other than eat. Another issue is that he works full time while I am in a masters program. This made thing difficult because I don’t have the money to continuously go out and I don’t want to rely on him to pay for everything. Yes he said it’s fine but I still think it’s fair to pay when I can.

Anyways, our problems persisted and grew stronger when I started my fall semester in late august. It kind of went down hill after my birthday in late September. And since mid October we broke up but then met up to talk again about the relationship. We fully agreed that we still very much loved each other and don’t want to let go just yet. So we set boundaries saying no contact for a couple months. Maybe before I leave for Mexico, since I’ll be in Mexico for 6 months to do my thesis research. (This is another thing that has caused stress on the relationship).

But anyways, this past weekend we met up again and talked about how going no contact has felt. And we talked about what self growth we have already done. Such as needing to be more independent, not having to text 24/7, also realizing that he was scared of change and that’s what stemmed a lot of our issues. He was scared of me leaving and possibly doing a PhD. But we talked it out and I can tell he’s changed his mind and only wants to support me. He wants to support me in whatever I do. So I felt like this month-ish break has already really helped us to figure out what’s been hurting the relationship and we just need to take the steps to make it work.

But I’m worried because many of my friends (who I met this semester and haven’t met my boyfriend) have said that I shouldn’t even think of getting back with him at least until I get back from Mexico. But knowing myself best, I feel strongly that I want to get back with him. I miss him everyday. I think about him everyday. Everything I do during the day or when I go out with friends, reminds me of him and I wish I was with him. I love him so much and I honestly don’t see my life without him.

So I guess my main question is, should I wait longer to feel out the break or should I follow my heart/gut and get back with my boyfriend?