Prayers please ladies!! Updated!


Update!!! Thank y’all for the prayers, please keep them coming that this dude stays in and bakes a little longer for us 🥴 I am having contractions. Which they didn’t get them completely stopped, but it was caused by severe dehydration. They gave me two bags of fluids and some medicine to try and stop the contractions. My cervix is not dilated at all, which is a good sign. They let me come home, I have to call my ob clinic in the morning to be seen asap. Baby boy was moving like crazy after they hooked me up to the monitor, heart rate and everything was all perfect. He does not like that monitor, he kicked it a million times 😂😅🤦🏼‍♀️

I also found out that apparently shivering (from the cold weather) can actually dehydrate you severely and I had absolutely no idea about that… I’ve literally been drinking my normal 8-10 glasses/bottles of water a day… the on call doctor advised me to add in a Powerade or Gatorade or even pedialyte throughout the day also to keep myself well hydrated. I’m really hoping that these contractions stop and we don’t have anymore scares until it’s closer to the time for him to arrive. I literally thought that the contractions I was feeling all day were just Braxton hicks cause they haven’t hurt… even the ob asked me about 100 times while I was hooked up if I was having any pain at all. Still wasn’t. My labor with my daughter was all in my back and it literally felt like it was on fire… so I had no idea what frontal contractions felt like at all 😂🤦🏼‍♀️ really glad they weren’t and aren’t painful though. Now I’m just praying that everything settles down until I can get to 37 weeks at least 😩

I’m about to head up to the er to get checked out. My little dude hasn’t moved a whole lot today (not like the normal strong movements I usually feel anyway) and I just went to pee and had a pretty significant amount of blood on the tissue paper. So we’re heading up as soon as my husband gets here, he’s on his way now (about 30 minutes away)… but if y’all could just please say a prayer for my little dude and myself, it would be really greatly appreciated 💙