Discharge after Monistat 3 Day

I went to my ob about some discharge that started after I had my second baby. She did a vaginal swab for everything and it all came back negative. I was told it was probably still just normal postpartum discharge and sent on my way. A whole month later I’m still having the discharge. I go back in, get another swab and again it comes back all clear. My ob decides to treat it as a yeast infection, and tell me to just do a Monistat treatment. I buy the 3 day one and have done 2 doses already but and on my last night of inserting the cream before I put it in, I have some super think discharge after showering. Just wanted to get y’all’s opinion on it.

I never experienced any burning or itching both pre Monistat or during. I just don’t know what’s going on and want to stop having all this discharge. Picture for reference.