

Hello! I have a question. So I’ve been exclusively pumping since my baby was born in June. He did not latch so I do just give him my milk through bottles. I have been storing my milk since June as in the beginning my supply came in huge. Well I’ve recently thawed some milk out for him on about 3 different occasions.. I’m not sure if any of you other mamas tried their milk in the beginning to get an idea of what it tasted like. Well my milk that I have thawed since from June taste absolutely horrible to me.. I know that some milk has a high levels of lipase & that can cause it to develop a soapy smell and taste, and it says it still safe for baby but I definitely wouldn’t drink it so I wouldn’t want to give it to my baby. Has this happens to anyone else? I’m having to throw out all of June & July which is about 150+oz or so. I didn’t store much of august/September because my supply was very up and down.. sometimes I’d only pump 4oz so I wouldn’t have any to store. I try to go through the night without pumping so I can get a good amount in the morning. But even pumping every 2-3 hours I still don’t always produce enough to store. I have about 5/6 5oz bags left :( My baby is technically “underweight” so he’s a little over 5 months and is on breastmilk and purées. I want to keep giving him my milk until he’s atleast a year. He’s been doing great on purées so I know he’s at least eating and getting calories.. but I’m just wondering if there is still a way I can boost my supply. Sometimes I pump 8-12oz if I don’t pump through the night.. but he’ll easily eat 8oz so I’ll keep the other 4oz to warm up later.. so I don’t really have an opportunity to freeze it. Thanks in advance, also sorry I feel like this post was a little all over the place