

So iā€™ll explain. I had my ā€œperiodā€ from Halloween to the 4th of this month. It was lighter than usual and I thought nothing of it. A week after my period ended (the 11th) I woke up to slight cramping like iā€™ve never felt before and started spotting brownish discharge. Every time I would go to the bathroom that day it would fluctuate between brown, pink, and red discharge/spotting. The cramps spread to my left side from my right side and down my legs. Iā€™ve never experienced cramps like I did that day and called my gyno. I saw my gyno and had a transabdominal ultrasound which showed nothing. My gyno is concerned it could be an early ectopic, a regular pregnancy thats very early on or a cyst which we can chalk out the cyst since it didnā€™t show on the ultrasound. Iā€™m going back to the gyno tomorrow morning to see if she has anymore ideas but in the meantime iā€™m very freaked out. I havenā€™t spotted since the 11th but iā€™ve had on and off cramps that donā€™t feel like ovulation or period cramps. I just am curious if anyone else has gone through this before? Iā€™ll add pics to the post of my discharge I had when I wiped the day I had the spotting.