Can I over feed on breast milk if I’m pumping and bottle feeding?


I am having trouble with latching my one week old baby but really want him to have breast milk so I’ve been pumping and giving bottles when he refuses the nipple (which is almost every time) and I told my midwife this and asked how much is appropriate to feed him and she basically wouldn’t answer me bc she said to just keep trying to breastfeed (I told her my baby still needs to eat if he refuses my boob and she just said “then keep trying” -,- I’m not going to let him starve if he can’t latch properly) I mentioned to her that I fed him 1 ounce every 2 hours when he was like 5 days old and she said that was too much but he is hungry if I don’t feed him that much so I don’t trust her. He is 9 days now and eating 2-3 ounces a feed every 2ish hours. I just feed him when he is hungry and I feed him until he is full. Am I really over feeding him? and yes I’ve already seen a lactation consultant and we are working on it. He had a pretty bad tongue and lip tie but we got the procedure to fix it.