Cycle buddies??

Sara • 8/24/14 👧🏼 .. 2 angel babies 👼🏽👼🏽 .. widowed 💔

I had my cd11 scan today and had 2 dominant follicles measuring 17.5mm and 17.6mm, both on my left. I will be doing trigger shot tomorrow night 11/18 and <a href="">IUI</a> will be Saturday morning 11/20!!

I’m excited and nervous, we have done multiple <a href="">IUI</a>’s with only ever having our first <a href="">IUI</a> work but that ended in a mmc at 10 weeks. This is also only my second <a href="">IUI</a> to have 2 follicles, we usually only get 1. We upped my meds last cycle and got 2 but on day of trigger one was 16.3mm and 19.5mm. I feel that both of mine will be at least 19 when I trigger tomorrow night so I’m really happy about that!!

Good luck and baby dust to everyone trying✨✨✨

Hoping and praying we finally get our rainbow baby this cycle 🌈