I don’t know how to approach this… sexual humour is getting out of hand

So I’ve been with my boyfriend for a little under a year and a half now and don’t get me wrong, everything is going great and I’m very happy and I know he is too. We’ve known each other for almost 4 years and our chemistry has always been awesome, we get each other’s humour and we laugh together all the time. But it’s slowly worrying me that he’s taking humour to another level… our jokes often have a sexual connotation and we tease each other about how much we want to do certain stuff to each other, we give each other “playful dirty” looks all the time but I feel like it has taken away the pure romantic side of our relationship and i’m beginning to miss it. He’s very respectful and never gets out of hand with anything but I feel like he might be replacing romantic affection with affectionate/sexual humour. I have mentioned it to him and I have told him that I kinda makes me feel like he doesn’t see me the same way as before and that I miss how he used to hug me and kiss me without making it a sexual joke but I feel like he forgets cause I still laugh about it most of the time and that’s because it is still kinda funny to me. But when I think about it, I do feel like i’m lacking that romantic side to us. And I don’t know how to not make him feel bad about it cause I do like when we laugh and joke together and I don’t want him to feel like he has to stop. I just want to feel pure love too. I’m confused on what to do or what to tell him.