How much does your SO play video games?

We’re new parents here and all during my pregnancy my SO played games literally everyday because he’d say once the baby is here he wouldn’t be able to. Well baby is here! We’re 8 weeks in and we seem to bicker quite a bit because of the games. Every night he wants to play games and when he doesn’t want to it’s because he wants sex. I try to be understanding that he doesn’t get alone time because once he’s home from work he’s helping me do things around the house I couldn’t or holding the baby so I can complete tasks I needed. But I would be lying if I said I wouldn’t mind if games just went down the hole to hell, I hate video games. Last night we sort of got into it because I was going to start my night routine with baby and when I went into the room the bed was covered in 3 baskets of laundry to put up, I went out to ask him for help and in return it started an argument because I didn’t ask him before he got on games and that it makes his friends not want to play with him because he has to get off games quite a bit to help me. Makes me feel like a burden and I shouldn’t ask for help. I tend to do almost everything myself so I don’t have to ask for help and bother him.

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