

With my first I had contractions right after my bloody show and they were mostly on my back (back labor). I am pretty sure I had my bloody show Wednesday but besides irregular cramping nothing much happened. Went to bed Thursday night around 11pm with some cramping, been bouncing on the ball and having sex trying to help put me into labor but nothing had happened until last night when I was going to bed I found myself thinking ok these cramps are a little intense but still went to bed. Now at 2Am cramping woke me up & I immediately had that thought of oh snap it’s happening they’re real contractions. They just don’t feel strong enough or consistent enough for me to start timing them but I think I’m in the early stages of labor haven’t felt anything on my back like last time, so this cramping is new to me. I hope it’s not a false alarm, I’m ready to meet my baby girl & I don’t want to wait until the 29th to be induced at 41 weeks! 😩

Update: at around 4AM I was still cramping so I decided to time them & they were coming inconsistently every 6min, 5 min, 11 min lasting about 20-30 seconds so I decided to go back to bed. It’s now 8 AM and I am going to start timing them again and go bounce on the ball