november baby? 33 weeks


currently admitted at the hospital. i made a post regarding high blood pressure and received great advice to come in and get checked. my bp was extremely elevated when i came in and it was at 180/115 . they gave me a dose of medicine and said that should bring it down and it’s likely ill leave in the morning . then they came back not even 5 minutes later after testing my urine and finding protein and are now saying it’s likely ill be staying until i have baby. i’m extremely nervous and not sure what to expect. my blood pressure is stabilizing but they are worried about me going home and my levels elevating again. hopefully he hangs in there a few more weeks but if not i know he’ll be in good hands at the nicu. please keep me in your prayers, thank you

edit: so update is i may either be induced on Monday at 34 weeks or there going to keep me closer to 37 weeks if baby is doing okay .