Endo diagnosis+treatment options..?


I’m new to this whole thing but I’m just trying to get more info and opinions before going back to the doctor.

I’m 22, have 2 kids (3yrs and 2 yrs) and I’ve always had painful periods, trouble eating around ovulation and can’t eat on my period, and since having kids it’s gotten 10x worse. I went to the doctor after ending up in the ER and the doctors telling me to schedule with a GYN and writing me a referral to get in faster. So I finally get in to the doctor and he says “sounds like textbook endometriosis” we discussed options and he said with my fiancé not being home often and the kids not in daycare, laparoscopy would not be the best option for me and I wanted birth control anyway so we got that.

Well not surprisingly, the BC did nothing for me and my periods just got back to normal after being off of BC for around 5 months.

So my question is did the scope help you find a better treatment option for y’all or am I wasting my time asking for it? Would it be better to try a BC that stops periods all together? I’m at a loss and no one I know has these problems. Thanks