Need advice from wives 😒

I have 3 kids from a previous 10 year marriage, 2 girls and a boy. I had my tubes tied about 8 years ago and untied 3 years ago because my husband now has no children and really wanted one of his own. I suffered not one but 2 miscarriages since having them untied and nothing since. I’ve been to multiple doctors, even some out of state and would receive different “diagnoses” on why I was miscarrying. After multiple procedures (very painful ones) and even multiple surgeries to try and correct what they thought was wrong, along with multiple doses of some heavy medication and we were still unable to get pregnant. After so long of trying, I started realizing that it wasn’t what I wanted anymore. I was burned out, my body is physically and emotionally, mentally drained. I suffered severe depression from the losses an was recently put on anti-depressant medication to help cope. I’m 32 and also realized that I don’t really want to start over raising babies again when mine are in their teenage years/preteen years. 3 years ago, I didn’t seem to mind but now I just can’t seem to force myself to want it. My husband is still pushing me to get whatever done, take more meds and possibly even do <a href="">IVF</a> and <a href="">iui</a>’s and I just don’t want to. I’ve tried to explain my feelings and the fear that another miscarriage would do more damage and I just wasn’t in the right state of mind to try anymore. He was upset but said he understood but still pressured me to try, even going as far to try and have sex every night so he won’t miss my ovulation because I had stopped tracking. I wanted to have a iud put in, until I felt like it was something I wanted or was mentally prepared for and though he says he’s understanding, I feel like he looks at me as a failure. I’m not sure what to do. I don’t feel like anyone should be deprived of being a parent and I’ve told him this also and that I understood if he wanted to find someone he could build his own family with but he refuses an just keeps pushing the issue on me and trying to push more procedures on me. Im lost and even went as far as making an appointment with my therapist to talk about it. Just wanted some advice here as well. Anyone?