Why should we settle ?

A group of my friends were discussing love and marriage. We are all between the ages of 25-30. One of my friend’s parents have been together for 35 years. The advice her parents and grandparents gave her was to “choose the man that loves you more than you love him.” They also went on to explain that when a woman decides to be with a man that loves her more than she loves him rather than being with a man that she’s more into, the relationship will last longer and the woman will eventually fall in love with the man that loves her and is doing everything he can to make her happy. I just think this is unfair. Shouldn’t the love be mutual ? Why do I have to settle for a guy that I’m not attracted to or into just because he likes me more and will do anything to make me happy ? Men don’t do it. Why should we ?

What are your thoughts on this ?