Traumatic birth experience 😳😞


Wow…. Extremely long Trumatic birth experience at 41wks 4days! Had contractions for over 20 hours before finally going in and requesting an epidural, then got Pitocin to speed up contractions, another 16 hours later they finally decided to break my water, another four hours later finally increased Pitocin and began having stronger contractions. Six hours of active pushing with no progress… OB give choice of vacuum assist or C-section, both not great options after being in labor for 48 hours. Chose vacuum and got him out and three pushes thank the Lord! Had

third-degree tearing… feels like my insides are about to fall out constantly and going to the bathroom is always an adventure! Wow, my pain scale has significantly changed and I am beyond impressed with all the women who have given birth before me! I’m very thankful to have a little baby boy, but again very amazed at all the moms out there! Birth is no joke!