Would you be mad?

My significant other left around 1pm to go to the gym & then his friends house for football Sunday. He promised me he wouldn’t get drunk anymore because he always ends up being in a bad mood when he does to the point where he won’t come around me when drunk. I just had our baby girl almost 2 months ago who has special needs to be taken care of & I have 2 kids before him ages 2 & 4. I made a nice dinner tonight for him & he never showed back up to eat. I’ve only heard from him once since he’s been gone & it’s now 12:30 at night. I know he’s fine because he’s posted Snapchat’s & Facebook stuff, but I’m literally just tired of the disrespect & every time I get mad about something like this he makes me feel like I’m in the wrong. I texted him 30 min ago & still no reply. Normally when this happens he stays out all night until about 5-6 in the morning. I want to send another message but not really sure what to say.