Early pregnancy rash/hives??


Wondering if anyone has experienced breaking out in hives or having an eczema like rash during your early stages of pregnancy? Iv been breaking out in hives almost every night for the past month and experiencing this eczema type of rash every once in awhile. It goes away and comes back periodically… however the hives are almost every night all over my body 😫 I haven’t been though anything like this since I was a kid (broke out almost every night from ages 10-14) so I’m thinking it could have to do with my hormone levels changing?? When I was pregnant with my son I developed a rash before my missed period but it was more of a yeast rash that Just kinda looked like a pigmentation change in certain spots of my skins monster chest and lasted the whole 9 months. My period is supposed to come in 2 days so my plan is to wait and see if I get my period before wasting a test. Obviously need to go see a doctor either way to see what’s going on but still wondering if anyone has experienced this??