Breaking up

I’m in a relationship with someone who got me then changed. He was amazing, loving and caring and so out there and different. Now 4 months down the road he got me. The sex isn’t the same, he doesn’t kiss me as much or hold my hand as much. He used to buy me flowers, energy drinks and little things and it’s stopped. Just because “ he thought I had some” ( the drinks) even if he knew I had 10 he would still think about me. A few red flags came up and he always tells me he feels like he can’t do anything right or make me happy .

He also tells me to quit looking into his past, and when I ask about girls I know he has something with still on social media he turns it to “ I don’t go through your followers and you said you would stop, it doesn’t mean anything and I didn’t pay attention.”

I went out with my friend and all the guys hitting on me and complimenting me made me feel more validated and wanted than he has in 2 months..

Don’t get me wrong I love him and I know it isn’t all his fault. But the truth is the person who he is now I don’t like … From who he is with his friends ( wanting to snort coke) to finding a sex video he took without me knowing because “ it was hot” and I found it locked on his snap because I had a weird feeling and made him unlock it.

I don’t know if things will get better or I should break my own heart and leave. I love his family and I know he’s a good guy. I love him like crazy, but I don’t like him anymore and sometimes love isn’t enough. Help on what to do and how to go by it.