What an adventure this has been….


So I came to the hospital on Sunday as they were putting cervix softening meds in me so I could be induced Monday morning… well baby didn’t respond they way they wanted to the meds so we ended up being admitted Sunday around 5pm… they have tried everything they put balloons inside me and left them for 12 hours to see if that would stretch my cervix open… after 12 hours I was 3-4cms dilated but still only 50% effaced… so we did another round of the cervix softening meds… that got me to a full 4cms but still only 50% effaced… I lost my mucus plug after they checked me… then we started the pitocin, I was on pitocin for 7 hours last night and it did absolutely nothing for me… I at one point did have some strong contractions but they stopped… so last night around 10 they stopped the pitocin and around 11pm they put another type of cervix softening meds inside me - this one stays in for 12 hours so I still have a few to go before I will know if there has been any change to my cervix… if no change I’m gonna just ask to go home and give my body a break and chance to naturally go into labor… hope no one else has to go through this… it’s been a very long few days!