Mom Relationship

My mom and I used to have such an amazing, close relationship and after she divorced my first step dad (her 4th husband) she started dating tons of men and put me on the back burner. I was 8 when this began and I’m 21 now. So we haven’t been close for a good chunk of my lifetime. She married my second step dad 5 years ago and they gang up on me about my life. I work full time, go to school full time, and keep to myself. I just got out of a 2 year long relationship. This man is the only one Ive ever slept with. But my parents don’t know this as I don’t think it’s any of their business. Anyway.. I started hanging out with friends again.. One friend I started hanging out with again, Taylor, took my kindness the wrong way and forced a relationship on me. I know no one can force me to do anything.. I told him I wanted to wait a while and he was very manipulative and began threatening me a week into the “relationship”. He started telling me he loved me a day into it and I wouldn’t say it back. This caused him to pout and/or get angry. He’s 28 and like I said.. I’m 21. He showed up at my house and even my work to yell at me. So I basically had to be mean to get out of that. This went on for 3 weeks? I’ve been interested in another friend of mine for a little bit and we’ve started hanging out a lot. We click together really well. We enjoy each other’s company and he doesn’t have family nearby so I invited him to my family’s Thanksgiving. Then my mother texts me this after I was trying to be respectful by letting them know he was coming as well.. Am I in the wrong?? I don’t even know what to say anymore.

P.S: I went to my aunt’s house because she has property I can ride my dirtbike on. My friend was NOT there with me. I went because I start a new job next week and had a week off and wanted to ride my bike and hang out with my cousin I haven’t seen in a while! (And I blocked her on FB due to a previous incident at another family function where she was calling me “a little bitch” and a “pussy”.)